- Admin
- Advanced
- AjaxApi
- BookingRules
- Bundles
- Core
- Crons
- Emails
- Entities
- Exceptions
- Payments
- Persistences
- PostTypes
- Reports
- Repositories
- ScriptManagers
- Settings
- Shortcodes
- TaxesAndFees
- Upgrades
- UserActions
- UsersAndRoles
- Utils
- Views
- Widgets
Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- ActionsHandler
- Ajax
- TODO move each ajax controller to separate class
- Autoloader
- BackgroundPausableProcess
- BackgroundProcess
- BlocksRender
- BookingsCalendar
- CalendarFeed
- CustomPostTypes
- Fixes
- Importer
- LicenseNotice
- Notices
- Recommendation
- ReservationRequest
- SearchParametersStorage
- Session
- Shortcodes
- Translation
- Upgrader
- Wizard